maandag 11 maart 2024
Blogs studenten: #blog2 | #blog3| #blog4| #blog5, ‘History of Collecting and Exhibiting (1500-present), VU Amsterdam
KOG-hoogleraar Hans Piena geeft in het eerste semester (2024) aan de Vrije Universiteit de collegereeks History of Collecting and Exhibiting (1500-present). De studenten schrijven blogs en de komende maanden publiceren we deze blog reeks op de KOG-website.
The power to choose – a Museum’s responsibility
Christo Nikolov, BA History
Julien Dumont, BA History
CiCi Wu, Exchange student of Economics
Nederlands Openluchtmuseum Arnhem
Eva Cuevas (2025 BA Biology)
Mandarine Chyba Rabeendran (2025, BA Biology)
Jet Lachman (2025, History)
Anna Ridley (2025, History)
Visit to CC-NL: A Culture between appropriation and Appreciation
Ella Urton(Exchange, BA)
Gaeul Kim (Exchange, BA International Humanities)
Micha de Tombe (2nd Year, BA History).
The Aims and Limits of Contemporary Collecting
Aisling Goodenough (Year 3, Exchange)
Veronika Csenge Kiss (Year 3, BA Philosophy)