Trompettisten en keteltrommelaars bij de begrafenisstoet van Frederik Hendrik in 1647, Pieter Nolpe (ca. 1613-1653) naar een tekening van Pieter Jansz Post (1608-1669), ets, 1651. Rijksmuseum Research Library, KOG OF-40.

maandag 15 november 2021

Lezing ‘Musical instruments on parade. An overview from the 16th to the 19th centuries’, Giovanni Paolo Di Stefano, conservator muziekinstrumenten Rijkmuseum


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Kleppenbugel, Duitsland, 1830-1850, koper, 43 x 22,5 cm: BK-KOG-1041-A-01.

Music has always been a crucial element of public celebrations, such as military parades, coronations, royal weddings. It added grandeur to the solemnity of the occasion. Musical ensembles entrusted with performing music at these events have existed in Europe since early times. Following the Muziekparade exhibition (on view at the Rijksmuseum until juni 2022) this presentation will focus on the role of music and instruments in Dutch public events between the late 16th century and the early 19th century.

Klik hier voor meer informatie over de tentoonstelling Muziekparade met diverse bruiklenen van het KOG.